Monday, June 28, 2021

Heaven in Sixty-Seven

Click on Pic for Albert and Audrey...

 Mogette La Deux-Chevaux Coquette

Very bad bilinguale poète

Was in conversation yesterday, hier

With her ami, son propriétaire...

"Alors, proprio"

Said La Deux-Chevaux

"Parle moi à cette heure

D'un célèbre britannique acteur"...

Et Proprio répondit

"Ah, you see ma chère amie, I must tell you about Albert Finney. Perhaps because his carrière, from Fifties to his décès l'année dernière was not ordinaire...

And if you clique, my little voiture chic and sympathique, on the pic in this blog-post

You can see, and hear un extrait from Albert's film I like the most...

Two For The Road, La Route à Deux, un chef d'oeuvre merveilleux...

With l'élégance of Audrey Hepburn, from September nineteen sixty-seven...

Le film is simplement...heaven

Summer of Love, when I, your devoted Propriétaire, did first encounter La Langue de Molière...

Quel début d'aventure, Mogette, for sure!

So click and go, my little amie Deux-Chevaux..."

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Sunset, Moonrise


Chez Mogette, Bad Bilinguale Poète

You can see at sunset

Au coucher du soleil

On early March day

A formidable... phénomène


As sun goes down

Derrière le Moulin du Grand Champ

Construction 1669, just next

To jardin of Mogette...

You will not regret...

If you pause and take a rest

And turn to look from Ouest to Est
Click on moon for Lune Rousse story

You will observe, there

Behind the oak tree, chêne solitaire

The rising of the full moon: spectaculaire...

Our amis anglais call this the "Snow Moon"

And here, in France

La Lune Rousse ...

Mogette suggests

That, in bad poésie vernaculaire

This moment, very beau


Un cadeau, a gift to share.


Violettes Violets, Violettes Blanches


Click on Mogette to go to a 1951 song...
Mogette La Deux-Chevaux Coquette

Very bad bilinguale poète

Was with her Propriétaire, très tôt

To pose for photo...with violettes

And, voilà!

Can you see, chers et chères ami.e.s

Two varieties

Of Viola?

Oui, oui...

Il y a violettes violets, ici

Et ...Aussi...

Viola Alba

Which is, of course et bien évidemment

A violette of couleur blanche...

A fleur...Who prefers

A climate of Méditerranée

Mais ici...In February...Vendée

Mogette, she

Has found for you un tapis

(En anglais, a carpet)

Of beautiful, bi-chromies...



Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Clemenceau Typo

Mogette La 2CV Coquette,,,has un ami, you know

Qui s'appelle...Salado.

Salado is a walking-stick

Made from a branche of peuplier tree

From along the Camino, you see...

In Navarra Basque...Country

[You can see Salado Aventures HERE]

Did you know?

Photoshop, version 1935?

That Georges Clemenceau...Was never happy

If, par malheur, mistakenly

Someone placed an accent on the "E"

Of his name of famille?

And octobre1935

When the porcelaine pancarte sign

Was fabriqué by Michelin

To show le his little summer cabane...

On Vendée littoral...

A petite erreur...was corrigée...

Après installation.

Salado is, perhaps...the only walking-stick who is au courant about that...


Monday, January 11, 2021

Brande and Brant Geese Part Two


From Clemenceau beach

To White Rochers

Of Port de Plaisance

Marina of Jard sur Mer

Is one hour of promenade

Le long de la plage...

Et tout l'hiver

You can see, par chance

Hundreds and centaines

Of Bernaches Cravants

Which are in English

Brants, or Brents, or Brant Geese

These oiseaux migrateurs

Spend summers

In tundra arctique

With eggs, then chicks

And then un tour magique

A clever trick...

Click on photo to see the Brants at St Vincent sur Jard

They travel south

To feed on Atlantique sea-weed...

And then

In spring

Go north again.

The cousin of Mogette's Proprio

Is an ornithologie expert, you know

And he lives en cottage chaumière

So merci beaucoup le cousin Mick

For your expertise ornithologique.

Brande et Brant Geese Part One

Mogette et son Propriétaire...Yesterday and hier

Did go... to la mer, in mid-winter blue crystal air

Encore to summer house of Clemenceau

And there...With two degrés of température

And wind of Nord...She posed for a photo

For you, dear Mogettistes..Next to a hole, un trou

In garden fence cloture ...Which is made of matériaux

In France, we call BRANDE...

Not like en anglais BRAND, oh no, les amis et amies...Rien à voir

Nothing to see...

Not "Marque de manufacture" ...This cloture, she

...Mogette knows very well 

Is made of élément... cent-pour cent...Naturel.

We say in French "Bruyère"...Bicoz, for many francophone parleur

It is impossible to say


And so, the fence cloture of heather

Keeps out the winter windy weather

And peut-etre...Le regard oblique

Of visiteur every day of week

Who would like to say...He, or she, or they

Had had a clin d'oeil peek

Of dune garden... Inspired by Clemenceau's friend Monet...

And what, Mogette can hear you ask


Our little amie poète will...un-mask

The masquerade of these...Mystère mysteries

In next bad poésie...See you there!

(Apologies from Mogette, for missing accents circonflexes and others


Her clavier keyboard is défectu-oz)



Thursday, December 3, 2020

Farewell and Adieu VGE


Ami.e.s Mogettistes

Are you ready?

Etes-vous pre (t.e.s) ? 

For une belle aventure

Of little recherche Internet?


Mogette says au-revoir

To Président Giscard

Departed today from us


Of damned


Mogette, you know

Modeste mais magnifique

Was just one year old, no more

When VGE in seventy-four

Wes elected Président

Of la République...

Come with Mogette where

En voyage radiophonique

From France-Inter

We will hear une grande classique

Of 1996

Of producteur of radio

Called Ludovic (Sellier)

Valérie Giscard d'Estaing

(With Auvergne dialect twang)

Tells a story there

Of Deux-Chevaux

And présidentiel


(And merci to Emma Morelle

At France Culture 2018)

Click HERE for aventure radiophonique

Cliquez ICI, les ami.e.s...

Passez par Emma's "La 2CV, Une Modeste 8éme Merveille du Monde"

(Mogette is sorry because

There is no Version Anglaise, of course)

Here is an extract textuel

Of the story VGE had tell...

Un jour, je rentre en hélicoptère pour aller à l'Élysée, et on se pose à Issy-les-Moulineaux. Mais il y a eu un loupé quelconque dans les transmissions, et il n'y avait personne pour me récupérer. Je regarde autour de moi et, heureusement, j'aperçois un gendarme qui gardait le terrain. Je lui demande s'il a une voiture, et il me dit que oui, mais que c'est sa voiture personnelle... une vieille 2CV ! On traverse alors Paris dans sa 2CV, je soulevais la fenêtre pour regarder et je rencontrais des regards égarés, les gens nous regardaient avec stupéfaction. Quand on est arrivés à l'Élysée, c'était encore plus curieux : le protocole républicain en a été stupéfait !